Monday, May 30, 2005

The Unfinished Sy....


Yes, Schubert wrote a symphony which he left unfinished at his death. It remains, known to the world as such: The Unfinished Symphony. It was not necessarily that he died before he finished it, but rather that "the so-called "Unfinished" is one of several works he began and set aside in an effort to write a large-scale symphony in the manner of Beethoven." He just started it, and never chose to finish it.

Me too. I've had enough drafts of posts sitting around unfinished...that i'm just going to post them all now! If they seem rough, abrupt, unfinished even...that's the story of my life. Which hopefully will pay off in the end. It did for Schubert! So here life...real time!...

----2:56pm, May 30, 2005----

So, this morning I woke up to Isaac, laying in his bed across the room, with one eye open, saying, “Conan, what’s going on?”

“I dunno,” was the muffled, half-asleep reply.

knock, knock, knock.

There it was again. Only this time accompanied with a voice.

“Good Morning! Isaac? I made breakfast for you.” Oh, so it was Nina, Isaacs girlfriend...ahem, pardon me...fiancée. Isaac gets up and goes out to the kitchen where she is. Saying as he went out, “See, Nina made me breakfast in bed!” I detected only a hint of sarcasm and joyous taunting in his voice. But I appreciate the ensuing peace, hoping for a few more hours of sleep, seeing as I’d gotten about 5 so far, and it was 9am on a holiday. Horrors!

“Hey,’s for all of us!” Oh, come on. Why are they disturbing me again?!? All I want is to sleep here, with the windows open, the sun shining in, and the breeze barely blowing through, just tempting me, lulling me back to blissful sleep. Until the realization of what he said sinks in.

“There’s massive stacks of food out here! It’s for all of us, get outta bed and come eat!” What? Coolness! Food? Hot and ready? YES! It hits me as I get up and stagger out, pajama clad and hair all up in a fro, that it’s been ages since I’ve been woken up to breakfast hot and ready for me (cafeteria food doesn’t count...especially since that’s ready at 7am anyhow!).

So after devouring stacks of pancakes, loads of strawberries and bananas, making coffee (of which no one wanted to share), downing a shot of syrup (even tho I didn’t have anything to prove), telling Nina I loved her (Isaac quickly affirming to her that it was a fully platonic sort of expression), I promptly headed straight back to bed, for those extra hours of sleep!

What a memorial day...

----Happiness is Contagious----

----1:32pm, May 28, 2005----

"Would you try not being so happy, John?", said Ken as he passed me in the hallway as we left work this morning.

"OH, would you give me a break," I said, "it's a gorgeous day outside, and i'm getting ready to go ride my bike!"

Yes, it is a beautiful day. In spite of what the dismal weather man predicted (scattered-thunderstorms and 45 degrees), today has shaped up to be a gorgeous 65 and partly sunny all day long. Making work this morning somewhat rough since i was forced to sit there and just stare out the window, wishing i could be anywhere but at that miserable desk. But coming home, riding my bike around historic downtown Jackson (woohoo), i took a tour past the tall columns of the post office, along the 'river walk' past all the bronze statues, rode past the Thunderbird Cafe since i couldn't quite remember where it was and wanted to find it so that i could return any time i wanted...generally just took my time enjoying the outdoors and getting a little exercise for my knee.

And now, i've pretty much wasted the rest of my day...which turns out to be a great use for a's good to refresh...

----8:07pm, May 22, 2005----

So...schools out...
...i'm only slightly bored...
...tori amos really drives me nuts... blog is broken, if you use Internet Explorer, my sidebar is at the bottom, if you use Firefox, you're ok...
...just talked to nathan...and my summer is looking up...
...anything is better than sticking around at NCO...
...American Beauty is a very disturbing movie...
...i got to the end, and said to myself, "i really don't like that movie. as much as i like drastically psychological and intriguing movies, that one really didn't make sense."
...but fight club is still an all time favorite...
...michelle reminded me of one of the best quotes from the movie: "On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero."
...another good one is: "Where you are now you can’t even imagine what the bottom will be like. Only after disaster can we be resurrected. It’s only after you’ve lost everything that you are free to do anything. Nothing is static. Everything is evolving. Everything is falling apart."

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