Thursday, May 05, 2005

of recent...

currently playing:
Ultra-Lounge Vol. 5: Wild, Cool & Swingin'
Nobody But Me
Lou Rawls/Benny Carter

hmmm....i've been somewhat out of the loop recently, so just a few things on my mind:

...a cell phone would be nice to have again, to keep in touch with folks better. maybe as soon as school is out., speaking of which, there are only two weeks left.

...and i paid the last dime of the bill last week...wonderful feeling.

...summer plans...__________<-- that's a blank slate...and the source of most of my worries recenlty. you guys can be praying that things will really come together...soon!
...i got a new coffee maker yesterday. i love getting new coffee paraphanalia

...p.s. to all you can leave comments anonymously, you don't have to have a blogspot ID...just a thought knee has been hurting recently, i hope it's ok. but when i had jeremy feel it for me and do some tugging and range of motion exercises, he kinda freaked out. oh, well...just cause guys hit on me doesn't make me gay.

i think i really am pretty blank right now. not a whole lot going on up in that big head of mine. except that i really need to do my homework that's due first thing in the morning before i go to bed. that way i can sleep straight through to breakfast instead of getting up @ 5 am to finish HW...oh the joys of college life. i really do love it, as much as it does suck having to meet deadlines! but that's what i really need to work on anyway: making a goal, working to accomplish it, setting rules for myself, and realizing that i need to set aside the current/temporary/wants in favor of the goal/eternal/needs...get the picture? that could be a sermon...or a book...or just an inspirational blog...imagine that! (yes, i mean imagine that, cause that's not what this is!)

that's me...of recent

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