Saturday, June 11, 2005

So Here Goes

...i'm signing out
...for now
...cause i don't know when i'll be back in the loop
...the scoop is this
...tomorrow i leave
...on the train
...for omaha
...and what happens there?
...i can only imagine
...but it may or may not include ready internet access bummer!!! will i survive?
...with out my precious Wi-Fi?!? know what....i may have withdrawal symptoms for a few days or so
...but with a good cup of coffee (nathan does work at starbucks)
...and a good book
...and a fresh cell phone battery
...i just may make it! feel free to give me a jingle
...i love to hear from each and every single one of you who care to take the precious time out of your overstressed days to think about checking in on what may be brewing in my under-active mind.
...or in my over-scheduled, under-acheiving, generally happy, fun-loving, goal-oriented, socially active, very exciting, but incredibly dull and boring life.
...yeah, even i am shaking my head right about now
...but it is 2:30am
...and i still have to finish packing leave at 8:00am
...yee haw!!! ya...

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