Monday, January 16, 2006

As I Percieve It

I wonder if i've stumbled on a new way to make bookoo's of moolah. I don't know if I want to actually try it out, but I think it has some potential. Try this on for size:

Sexual harrassment law suit...against my place of employment...based on the lyrics of songs blaring from my co-worker's radios. Seriously, if anyone, in person, said anything with half the insinuations of songs like 50 Cent's Just a Lil' Bit, Laffy Taffy by D4L, or the Black Eyes Peas' My Humps, their person would be fired before they knew what hit 'em! And these songs, and more, are constantly being played over the radio in the workplace every day.

From the offical Professional Conduct And Anti-Harassment Policy

"[S]exual harassment, includes… any…visual, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature…[that] has the purpose or effect of… creating an environment that is… offensive to the employee. Each employee must exercise his or her own good judgement to avoid engaging in conduct that may be perceived by others as harassment.

"...forms of harassment include, but are not limited to:
Verbal: repeated sexual innuendos, racial or sexual epithets, derogatory slurs or remarks, off-color jokes, propositions, threats, or suggestive or insulting sounds;"

I don't know if it would really stand up in a court of law, but technically, it all lines up. I am not choosing to listen to these songs. They are suggestive songs (sounds), containing multiple, repeated innuendos and epithets, which are sexual in nature. I percieve that these lyrics create a work environment that is offensive to me. I feel as if I am being harrassed. What more needs to be said?


Anonymous said... live in Jackson, Michigan? I love about 30 minutes from there and I go to church in Jackson (well relatively speaking anyway!) I saw your site from Ryan Shaffer's. OK, so I don't really know him, either, but I know a friend of his. Anyway, I just thought it was cool that you live in Jackson.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my! I said love...I meant live!

IDigAK said...

well, um...maybe it's time to update my profile! but, yes, i did live in Jackson for awhile...going to school at New Tribes Bible Institute, simply the greatest place ever!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my soul! My parents met at New Tribes. My Dad was an MK In Brazil and his parents were with New Tribes. Small world!

I'm kind of like a friend of a friend. I know Isaiah Mays who is really good friends with Sarah Chamberlain who is really good friends with Ryan. Weird, I know!

Thanks for the comment!