Tuesday, September 05, 2006


::mood::lots to do
::music::Majesty (Here I Am) by Delirious? from the album BC Fall Retreat '06 Worship Mix

i dropped my Bible today. it fell from my hands as i exited my car. my arms were overloaded as is customary when i dare to make an attempt to clean out the piles of stuff that accumulate in the front and back seats and floors of Famous.

it fell with a soft crash on the asphalt. i heard the delicate pages crushing under their own weight and groaned; not so much because of the wrinkled pages, although i do hate to put any more tortous wear and tear on my Ryrie, but more because of what scattered from out of the pages in the process.

the pages of my bible could tell a lengthy story if granted the ability of independant expression. they serve as a sort of giant filing system of no order whatsoever. various artifacts and relics of the past eleven years of my life are stored there; for little other reason than the fact that they tend to stay where they are placed. and after so long of letting them stay there...why remove them? i tend to add to them, rather, and unintentionally at that. that's the beauty of it.

everyonce in a while i'll turn a page to find something i'd not recalled in a while. and at that moment memories return. usually good ones. sometims sad ones. sometimes neutral, but more often than not, they're emotionally charged icons that resurrect memories from dramatic turning points in my life.

i wonder if they're indicative of my life timeline?

maybe when i write my memoirs i'll name the chapters after what items i come across when i leaf through fifty-eight years of scraps of paper stowed away between the pages of Truth. actually, that's a good idea. maybe i should write it down and put it in there somewhere.

- a bookmark given to me by my childhood crush...haven't seen her in a long time...hmmm
- a prayer card from a fellow bible student for his summer missions trip...he's a cool cat...haven't talked to him in awhile either
- brochure from the youth ministry i was just getting involved in before leaving alaska...boy, what i didn't know was happening then!
- church bulletin from the church where i'm interning now as pianist/sunday school teacher
- flier for the greek festival coming up...it looks like fun...it says on the back: "free admission for two adults with this flyer"...i still have to find a date to take with me
- ah, the 'special feature' that only my bible has: a removable maps section. well, some of the maps...and they take half the concordance with them...musta been another day...another fall
- a goodbye note from a friend at school...it reads: "I Still LOVE yOU John! We Will Miss You! (NomerS)"
- the letter that has stapled to it the schematic drawing of the new bc missions team...what a vision...thanks to simeon for running point with that. it's becoming more of a reality every day now

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