Sunday, October 01, 2006


If you have enough money,
even the ghosts will obey you.
-Chinese Proverb

...and sadly, this proverb only symbolizes the paradigm that we all too often live by.

I heard it explained this way the other day: We've only got seventy or eighty, at best, years to live, right? We're not going to live much longer than that, as hard as we try. People have been trying it for thousands of years!

But why?

To enjoy it, I think. To get the most out of it. To try and make a greater legacy for ourselves.

Which begs the question, "how"? How to spend these years to get the most out of them...that is the question.

So often we get caught up in the how of it, which, in our society, most of the time, boils down to one thing: M-O-N-E-Y. If you have it, you can do things, enjoy yourself, make a difference. And if you don't, you cant. At least, that's the way we think.

But we forget that 'how?' is a question following the form of 'what?' Are we willing to trade the 'what' for the 'how'?

Are we really, honestly ready to exchange the living out of our limited time for the pursuit of money? We know that money doesn't stick around for very long. And it sure does'nt have a very good exchange rate in heaven's economy! So, really, if all we have are a few moments to be lived out, why invest them all in something that doesn't matter at all in the long run!

Lets keep our persective where it counts: on the 'what'; pursuing the 'how' only to the necessary degree.

"...keep seeking the things above,
where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
Set your mind on the things above,
not on the things that are on earth."
-Col 3:1-2

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