Friday, December 22, 2006

over a cup of drip coffee

::music::love is trippy, by amy kuney, live

church people are weird. you know, not the cool ones. not the ones who actually live the Christ-life. but the lifers.

i'm talking about little miss preachers kid with AWANAs syndrome. the kids who grew up with their parents taking them to church every time the doors were open. the ones who have never known anything else. the ones who date each other within the sunday school class. the ones who haven't ever socialized outside their other church-people friends.

it's one thing to be a transformed follower of Jesus. and to live every moment in a living relationship with Him.

but i dunno. something about the traditional, habitual church scene just drives me away. it just seems so cloistered.

as i sit here and observe, it just strikes me how little of an outreach mindset exists there. yes, there may be the occasional mission that they take to south america, or downtown soup kitchen, or some other such. but the reality seems to be absent.

the real followers are too few and far between. the ones who truly live in the world. shining their light to their social circles. spreading the love of Christ to everyone they come in contact with. really and truly living, the way He designed us to.

i just want to make sure that i'm one of the real ones.


Lesley Girl said...

Hmm, sounds like childhood... something to think about huh, well yeah

Anonymous said...

good post!!!!