Sunday, May 04, 2008

Comparison and Contrast

People show up, just looking to have a good time. They congregate and talk, making sure to give just the right impression. After all, everyone's just after a little honest-to-goodness fulfillment in life. And so they've got to make sure that it looks that way to everyone around. Which means they get into everything that is the status quo. They get into the singing, and the standing around and talking...even inviting new friends to make sure that they can share in all the fun.

They begin by going up to those people they know and greeting them, catching up on the latest gossip. Then of course it goes on to acknowledging those who they met last time and recognize as such but really don't remember their name or care that much about them. So that quickly degenerates and folks go on to meeting someone new. Why? Well, it's not because they really care about the new person so much as it's just what you do.

Besides, you never know what introducing yourself might get you. All sorts things come to those who make new acquaintances.

But inevitably, people end up doing something stupid. Something idiotic. But that's not such a big deal. Everyone's in one stage or another of weird behavior. It might not really make sense. But hey, whatever you gotta do to fit in.

It's just what you do.

Anybody not yet part of the system might stand off to the side for a while. Just watching and taking it all it. Better to get a feel for the goings on before really jumping in.

But those who've been around awhile...they know the system. They know what to say. They know how to act. They know where to be and who to know. And who not to know. Pretty much, for these people, the world is at their fingertips. And for the most part, they'll get anything they want just by working the system. Most everyone else just kinda gets outta their way.

Everyone else is just there because that's all there is to do. It's better than sitting around at home, apparently.

It's just what you do.

And heaven forbid you have some outlandish idea like, "none of this really makes sense". Nothing will get you expelled faster. Not really expelled as in 'walked to the door expelled'. But you wont fit in. And everyone wants to fit in. So anyone who's sticking around is going to become part of the self-sustaining, vulnerable, idiotic, brainwashed system.

The only difference is, the folks at the karaoke bar have alcohol to blame for it all.
Church folks don't.

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