Thursday, April 21, 2005

The Legend of Chris Smith

ok...i just had the best evening ever. the kind that come along maybe once a month, where you're just like, "ok, i accomplished absolutely nothing, at least nothing tangible. and yet i don't feel the slightest twinge of guilt about it!" i dunno, it's something about the combination of troubles/stress, good freinds, good conversation, honest, great humor, and a good 'ol practical joke that somehow synergizes into an evening well spent.

a slow day at work...
home at 9:15 or so...
knowing i have homework to do...
stopping to talk w/briana...
ending up taking like an hour+ walk outside together...
discussing a chick at work, amber...(maybe more on amber later)
talking about extreme flirting...
stopping by the hospital...

ok, this deserves a break! so, we're walking back to school, when briana turns to me and is like, "lets go in to Foote Hospital and ask to see someone!!!" i'm like "what? we gonna ask for john smith?" well...she convinced me that if i could keep behind her, she could keep a straight face and get us through asking for our friend chris smith who was admitted with appendicitis! after trying a few doors, most of which were locked, we finally got in, and when a few nurses weeling a cart of who-knows-what down the hall gave us the glare, we admitted we were lost and asked if they could direct us to where we could find our friend who'd just been admitted to the emergency room. one gal starts walking us there, just to make sure we didn't get into any trouble i'm sure, and briana is like "you know, you can just point us in the general direction."
two floors, two nurses, and several snickers later, we arrived at the right group of nurses who could answer our question, namely, "can we see chris smith?"
"no, were not family, just friends"
"i'm pretty sure it was appendicitis he came in for"
"emergency room? yeah, that's right"
"not there? where can we find him?"
"oh, the other doctor?"
"oh, the OR?!? someone just came through about an hour ago?"
"yeah, that'd be him. where do we need to go?"

and so it went, we were directed down another long hallway, and after we got away from the nurses, had a great big laugh before heading home! the ironic thing was, she was the one who was supposed to pull it with the straight face. yeah, you guessed it, she was the one with her face buried in her hoodie the whole time while i told all the bold-faced lies!

oh, well, enough for now, maybe i've already said too much. is that possible? but, to quote one of my teachers,
"I say that and then I say, can I even say that?"
--Rex Gutwein

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is super awesome! I wish I had the guts to do something like that!! Mr. Gutwein was one of my mom's favorite teachers, too! How incredibly cool!