Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Please, never, ever...i repeat...NEVER EVER LET ME GET OLD!!!

Don't get me wrong! i love old people...i just never ever want to be one.

1. Old people do not listen, or if they do, you have to repeat yourself over and over for them to get it
2. Old people cannot shut up, they just keep talking
3. Old people repeat themselves over and over again, at least 4 times. Seriously.
4. Old people think that i am stupid because i am young (granted, i do not have as much life experience as they, but just because they cannot think as fast as me does not mean that i am a nitwit)
5. Old people, unless they remain young on the inside (which is about 10% of the elderly population), are a total drag on society (i am not being negative here either, i am simply stating why i don't want to be old)
6. Old people love to make illogical demands, expecting you to bow to their whim since they are old, or "disabled"
7. Old people love to talk about us young people like we are not there
8. Old people, old ladies in particular, really scare me the way they love to flirt with youngsters 1/3 their age
9. Old people cannot understand you, unless you speak at the speed of a loping tortoise, with the enunciation of a rusky learning his english verb declention
10. Old people either are lucratively rich, with no idea of what to do with their money, or stupendously poor, with the idea firmly entrenched in their mind that all of society owes them.
11....more to come as i feel so inclined

MY POINT BEING THIS: (do not come to any preliminary conclusions, if any of you are presumtuous control freaks)
My motto in a nutshell would have to be:

Live Hard
Die Young
Don't be afraid,
To Kill Myself
Or Die Trying
...have i totally gone insane?

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