Thursday, October 06, 2005

A Rare Day

Today, my friends, is a rare day. It is not often that i have a day like this. But every so often, one comes along; unpredictably, silently it comes up. And when it's here, i know it is here. There is no explaining it, it just is. It is a day for a Chai Tea Latte.

Outside it is, no more than 50 degrees....the moisture is still hanging in the air from lastnight's thunderstorm....the wind is blustery with a hint of Fall, daring summer to hang on...and i called joe, i don't have to work today!!!! (i might have to work saturday, but that's beside the point!).

So, i shall sit inside, read a good book, maybe watch a movie, stare at the birds playing outside the window in the chilly wind...and sip on my Chai Tea Latte....cause i never know when another day like this will return!

1 comment:

Lesley Girl said...

John My friend enjoy your day... it sounds so relaxing and peaceful.
In fact if you don't mind think of me on your day of peace and have another Chi Tea Latte for me cause well.... that just sounds really good right now.