Tuesday, November 22, 2005


What do you get when you multiply anything times zero? No matter how great nor how small, what is it that we're all taught somewhere around 2nd grade?

x0 = 0

(ok, so maybe the algebra is a little later, but still you get my point)

my point being, what do you get if you take a reputation, for example....a life...a track record, if you will. What if you take said accomplishment and factor in one major, demoralizing, nullifying event? What if all your life long you had worked hard for something, dreamed of it, built job, life, and family on it, and then it's yanked out from under you? What if 'x' get's multiplied by zero?

forget about rendering it back to zero, i think it goes negative...

the moral of the story: things ALWAYS get worse, before they get better.

You think you have it together? you think you're digging out of this hole you got yourself into? you think that in anyway you're going to dodge the crap that life is never going to stop throwing at you? Think Again! You Uneducated Idiot! Try as you might, you can't dodge it. You can't stop it. And as far as digging out of the hole...forget it, it's only getting deeper.

Something else needs to happen. Something else major. Something else moral. Something else significant that can do multiplication of the increasing kind. Something that will stop the onslaught of evil.

You'd think i were a peon, living in medevial times under a vicious lord who demanded more and more taxes every month just to finance his jousting competitions. No matter that the taxes that i paid last time were with borrowed money that still warrants the debt collectors to come knocking at my doors at all hours of the night. No matter that the crops were eaten by locusts and i've nothing to sell at market to feed my family. No matter that every attempt i make to move forward only sends me spinning, reeling, flung backwards into more obligation, more devastation, less direction, less wherwithal, deeper into some stupid, miry, smelly, inescapable pit

why, when all i really really want is to just get out of the situation i'm in, do i have to go and total my friend's car...with insufficient insurance to cover it?


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