Thursday, December 15, 2005

Funniest Thing I've Heard All Day

The following conversation was overheard by me this morning as i finished up yet another insane day of loading trucks...(try 62,000 packages went through our facility yesterday...a new record...1,299 of them were handled by me)...anyway, heres what made my day:

Random Worker Dude [speaking to Jamal, one of his fellow supervisors, in a rather high, squeaky, generally irritating kid-voice]: "Show me some love, man!"

Jamal [keeps on sorting boxes, smiles slightly]: no response

RWD [not satisfied with being ignored, continues...]: "Man, it's Christmas! That's what this is all about, dude. All these presents and [crap], it's about the good feeling of the season. So, come on! Man, show me some love!"

Jamal [keeps sorting, response barely audible]: "Dude, you're smoking crack."

RWD [loses the squeaky voice]: "Man i'm not smokin' anything..."

Female Voice [spoken from across the conveyor belt, out of sight in the other aislel]: "Maybe you should start!"

Me [working furiously to keep my conveyor belt clear]: laughing out loud, rolling with laughter, until my side hurts

All of a sudden a very crappy day had turned around. I'd been neck-deep in misery up until that point. But something about that little snippet of conversation tickled my funny bone! It probably isn't half as funny now, but it was at the time. And it redeemed my day..."maybe you should start"!'m gonna use that line sometime...

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