Monday, December 04, 2006

Freezeframe of Home

::music::Love Song for No One, from the album Room for Squares by John Mayer

brother number one shuffles into the kitchen singing in an out of tune monotone, "blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah..."

brother number two throws a ball of biscuit dough high in the air, then places it on the table and beats it with his fist hard enough to threaten the integrity of said table

brother number three balances atop the tallest stool available, seeming to enjoy the moment as he holds a stack of his mothers best dinner bowls in one hand

brother number four contents himself in the other room with studying the meaning and effect of his newly recieved PSAT scores

meanwhile, my mom peacefully navigates it all, seemingly unphased, "when you guys are done and the table is set, i need you to clean up the garage a bit"

i eat my steaming bowl of beef soup, fresh from the pot my mom is still working over.

I Love My Family


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That makes me laugh! Oh my!