Monday, January 15, 2007


::music::Vienna, from the album How to Save a Life by The Fray

"Thank you for calling Sprint together with Nextel. My name is Tammy. How can I assist you today?"

"Yes. Hello, my name is John. I've had some really negative experiences with Sprint recently..."

An inaudible sigh of 'uh-oh, here it comes, brace for it' is felt, rather than heard, coming from the other end of the line.

"...and I've called in to complain about those in the past..."

I can really feel it now, the sense of 'and I was having such a great day here, but this guy has to call and tear into me!' is still oozing out my earpiece.

" I just wanted to call in to say that I just got off the line with another one of your reps there, Sam was her name, and she was so helpful and friendly that I just had to call back and say thanks 'cause it's the first time I've gotten that service from you guys in a long time!"

Laughter. Attemps at muffling obvious, it still comes through loud and clear. Audible giggles of relief.

I have only a second to begin to wonder what is going on in the background when...

"Oh, my goodness, and I thought you were going to CHEW ME OUT!!!"

This time it's an audible sigh of relief.

"Well, I've probably been the one chewing you out in the past! But not today. No tirades today, just a compliment!"

"Oh! Well, thank you."

"No, thank you! And, hope you have a great afternoon!"


Lesley Girl said...

That was sweet,

Anonymous said...

btw i am getting that very cd you were listening to as a late christmas present. yay. we ordered it a whole while ago but it will be coming in all the way from florida. i cannot wait. ...and do you know what is in a little more than a week.paper turn in day AND a cd release for ME and my country. you'll have to wait to the date i originally thought would be my paper turn in date.

Anonymous said...

you rock like a hot drink and a pocket full of spending money on a cold day in the world's shopping capitol: Hong Kong!